Free nutrition courses – Cursos del SENCE 2022 cursos en México, Cursos Del SENA y Cursos en Perú Saltar al contenido

Free nutrition courses

A good and balanced diet provides nutrients to the body and maintains good health and prevents diseases such as: diabetes, heart disease, stroke, from triglycerides and high cholesterol and cancer.

Benefits that eating healthy brings to your life:

• Maintains healthy skin, hair, nails, teeth and eyes.

• Generally contributes to living longer and quality.

• Helps build muscle.

• Stimulates immunity.

• Strengthens the bones.

• Supports healthy pregnancies and lactation, and therefore the birth of healthy children.

In addition to giving the body the aforementioned benefits, which are important for good living, it also helps you to have a suitable and excellent mental health, applying what we commonly say «healthy body» «healthy mind».

Learning to eat allows us to develop and lead a happier life, which is why the free nutrition course was created for students who want to begin to understand and practice nutrition and health.

Importance of free nutrition courses

Due to the large number of obese people in the United Kingdom, for more than three decades, it is considered a true and lethal epidemic. A poor diet leads to serious threats that are wearing down your health in all aspects.

Therefore, by completing said nutrition course, you can obtain great knowledge and also put it into practice in the area of good nutrition, being aware of a balanced diet, which help us to prevent diseases.

Course details

It is a free course, and carried out entirely online and 100% financed by HM Government. Which is done through the guidance and support of an available tutor.

The course lasts 6 weeks, with a weekly study time of 4 to 5 hours.

Objectives of the nutrition course

• Create awareness regarding the necessary elements to carry out a dynamic diet.

• Boost confidence when planning and carrying out a healthy diet.

• Acquire knowledge to reach a complete understanding of how eating habits change in people throughout their lives.

• Provide necessary information on health disorders caused by poor nutrition.

• Provide information on the importance of a healthy diet, to maintain a weight according to your body.

Eligibility requirements

• You must live in England.

• You must be over 19 years of age at the time of registration.

• You must have lived in the UK, EU, EEA for at least three years.

• You must not have finished any stage of a previous course.

People or citizens of the EEA must have a pre-established or established status, and you have to prove it.

Units by which the course is composed

• Basic elements of a healthy diet.

• Necessary consideration of variety of nutrients for people.

• Use of information about food and nutrition, to organize a healthy diet.

• Basic elements regarding weight control.

• Understand eating disorders.

• Harmless principles of food for the domestic area.

After completing the nutrition course, you can obtain a level 2 certificate.

Contact information

If you want to take a free nutrition course, you can contact them through the following telephone number:

– Free Phone: 0800 001 5910, this is a number with which you can communicate under a specific schedule, said schedule is as follows: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

– You can also do it through Live Chat, so that they also attend to you in real time and so people have the possibility of answering you, so is usually pretty fast to give you a anwser.

You can do it with a course advisor from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., which is the same time that is planned when you decide to call the phone number that you have in mind.

You can also send an email to the following recipient:

Through which they answer you 24 hours a day, however keep in mind that they usually respond with little delay and therefore help can be obtained promptly.

If you liked this article, we suggest you spread it, so that this information reaches other people, so that in this way many other people can also get started on what this course is that is available for these courses, for Therefore, this generates that one gets to have the possibility of knowing much more in relation to what is the discipline that exists through nutrition and how this same generates that many people get to have the possibility that people they become much more interested in how to treat health from food. ©2021. Todos los derechos reservados Aviso Legal Politica de Cookies Politica de Privacidad Contacto